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Your Position: Accueil > Kits > CD73 > EP-166

CD73 Inhibitor Screening Kit

For research use only.

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EP166-C01High-bind Plate1plate
EP166-C02Human CD73 1μg
EP166-C04AMP-CP(CD73 Inhibitor)30μL
EP166-C051xDilution Buffer50mL
EP166-C06Malachite Green Reagent A2mL
EP166-C07Malachite Green Reagent B2mL
  • Background
    5'-nucleotidase (5'-NT), also known as ecto-5'-nucleotidase or CD73 (cluster of differentiation 73), is an enzyme that is encoded by the NT5E gene. CD73 commonly serves to convert AMP to adenosine. Ecto-5-prime-nucleotidase (5-prime-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase) catalyzes the conversion at neutral pH of purine 5-prime mononucleotides to nucleosides, the preferred substrate being AMP. Other forms of 5-prime nucleotidase exist in the cytoplasm and lysosomes and can be distinguished from ecto-NT5 by their substrate affinities, requirement for divalent magnesium ion, activation by ATP, and inhibition by inorganic phosphate. Rare allelic variants are associated with a syndrome of adult-onset calcification of joints and arteries (CALJA) affecting the iliac, femoral, and tibial arteries reducing circulation in the legs and the joints of the hands and feet causing pain.
  • Application

    This kit is developed for screening inhibitors of CD73.

    It is for research use only.

  • Storage
    Unopened kit should be stored at 2°C-8°C upon receiving. Find the expiration date on the outside packaging and do not use reagents past their expiration date.

    The opened kit should be stored per components table. The shelf life is 30 days from the date of opening.

    Typical Data Please refer to Ds document for the assay protocol.

    Serial dilutions of AMP-CP (1:1 serial dilution, from 500μm/L to 0.244140625μm/L) was added into CD73: AMP binding reactions. The assay was performed according to the protocol described below. Background was subtracted from data points prior to log transformation and curve fitting (QC tested).

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    • Number of Launched Drugs:0 Details
    • Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:29 Details
    • Latest Research Phase:Phase 3 Clinical

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