Extraits de membrane basale Mogengel Matrix
Les produits Mogengel Matrix subissent des tests approfondis pour leur garantir qualité et constance à l'arrivée entre vos mains et profitent de la présence d'entrepôts d'ACROBiosystems aux quatre coins du monde pour une livraison rapide et sans délai.
La Mogengel Matrix est une forme soluble de la matrice de la membrane basale purifiée à partir de tumeurs Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) cultivées dans une population de souris sans LDEV. Elle est composée de laminine, de collagène IV, d'entactine et de protéoglycane de sulfate d'héparine.
Les membranes basales forment des feuillets continus d'une matrice extracellulaire spécialisée qui joue un rôle essentiel dans l'organisation des tissus en formant l'échafaudage et le support de la croissance cellulaire et des couches cellulaires. Elles affectent également une variété de mécanismes cellulaires tels que l'adhésion, la migration, la prolifération et la différenciation.
Cat. No. | Product Type | Product Description | Size |
AC-M082704 | Standard | Mogengel Matrix (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082706 | Mogengel Matrix (Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082701 | Low-factor | Mogengel Matrix (GFR) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082703 | Mogengel Matrix (GFR Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082724 | High Concentration | Mogengel Matrix (HC) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082726 | Mogengel Matrix (HC Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082721 | Mogengel Matrix (HC GFR) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082723 | Mogengel Matrix (HC GFR Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082777 | Stem Cell | Mogengel Matrix IPSC Level (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082755 | Organoid | Mogengel Matrix Organoid Culture (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
Culture des CSPi
Culture d'organoïdes
Invasion des cellules tumorales
Test de tumorigenèse
Test d'angiogenèse
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082777) 1:100 dilution coating the plates, supports stable passage of EPSCs (extended pluripotent stem cells) from P1 to P4.
Human tumor organoids (colorectal cancer organoids, gastric cancer organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082755).
Human tumor organoids (breast cancer organoids, hepatocellular carcinoma organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
Mouse intestinal organoid, liver ductal organoid, airway organoid can also grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082704) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082706) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082724) significantly promotes the proliferation of tumor cells under the skin in nude mice.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082704) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082706) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
VEGF and Heparin could promote the in vivo angiogenesis through in vivo Mogengel plug assay. (Cat. No. AC-M082723).
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082777) 1:100 dilution coating the plates, supports stable passage of EPSCs (extended pluripotent stem cells) from P1 to P4.
Human tumor organoids (colorectal cancer organoids, gastric cancer organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082755).
Human tumor organoids (breast cancer organoids, hepatocellular carcinoma organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
Mouse intestinal organoid, liver ductal organoid, airway organoid can also grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082704) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082706) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082724) significantly promotes the proliferation of tumor cells under the skin in nude mice.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082704) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082706) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
VEGF and Heparin could promote the in vivo angiogenesis through in vivo Mogengel plug assay. (Cat. No. AC-M082723).
Notice Acro Certify
Ce produit fait partie des produits Acro Certify d'ACROBiosystems. ACROBiosystems et nos partenaires Acro Certify ont établi un partenariat étroit qui comprend un examen approfondi de la gestion de la qualité et des audits de qualité de ce produit. Les produits de nos partenaires Acro Certify ont été qualifiés par ACROBiosystems pour être inclus dans Acro Certify. ACROBiosystems peut fournir des informations sur les produits, y compris des informations techniques, des spécifications, des recommandations, de la documentation et d'autres ressources (collectivement, les "informations sur les produits") pour la commodité du client. L'exactitude et l'exhaustivité des informations sur les produits ne sont pas garanties et peuvent être modifiées sans préavis. ACROBiosystems n'est pas responsable de la propriété intellectuelle ou de l'impact sur la propriété intellectuelle des produits vendus dans le cadre d'Acro Certify.
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