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Why Fc Receptors Are So Important?
Release time: 2021-10-13 Source: ACROBiosystems Read: 6600

Fc receptors (FcRs) are membrane molecules expressed by several hematopoietic cells that recognize the Fc region of several immunoglobulin (Ig) classes and subclasses. Immunoglobulins (Igs) are glycoproteins that have same chemical structures as antibody molecules. Igs is a tetrapeptide chain structure composed of two identical light and two identical heavy chains, connected by interchain disulfide bonds. There are five main types of Igs expressed in the human body: IgM, IgA, IgD, IgG and IgE, with the highest abundance of IgG.

Representative Ig isotype structure

Furthermore, IgG-based antibodies are the only therapeutic antibody based products in the market at present. Communication of IgG antibodies with the immune system is controlled and mediated by Fc gamma receptors (FcγRs), membrane-bound proteins, which relay the information sensed and gathered by antibodies to the immune system.

In terms of the antibody's action mechanism, the antibody is composed of an antigen binding site (Fab) and a crystallizable site (Fc). The Fab segment can bind to a specific antigen, thereby determining the specificity and affinity of the antibody; the Fc segment of IgG can bind to Fc receptors (FcγRI, FcγRII, FcγRIII) expressed on the surface of immune cells, complement (C1q) and FcRn (neonatal FcR) in the blood, thereby activating the immune effect.

Structure of full-length IgG

It is worth noting that the interaction mediated by the antibody Fc domain can strongly influence the functional outcome of antibody therapy including antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), antibody-dependent cell-mediated phagocytosis (ADCP) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) through the interaction of the Fc domain with Fc receptors on different cell types.

Fc-mediated interaction: ADCC, ADCP and CDC

ADCC: The antibody first binds to the target on the tumor cell, and then the Fc part is recognized by the FcγR on the effector cell. Fc and FcγR activate effector cells, leading to the release of molecules contained in cytotoxic granules, such as perforin, granulysin and granzyme, leading to the lysis of tumor cells. The ability of therapeutic antibodies to induce ADCC depends on their binding affinity to the target and activated FcγR.

ADCP: ADCP is also an important mechanism for recognizing and mediating the effect of therapeutic antibodies on tumor cells. Contrary to ADCC, ADCP mainly works by NK cells expressing FcγRIIIa. In addition, ADCP can also be expressed by monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells by expressing FcγRIIa (CD32a), FcγRI (CD64) and FcγRIIIa (CD16a) to mediate. In macrophages, the expression levels of these receptors are highly dynamic and are affected by factors such as cell, tissue microenvironment and inflammation. These three receptors can participate in antibody recognition, immune receptor aggregation, and mediate the generation of intracellular ADCP signals. Studies have shown that FcγRIIa (CD32a) is the key receptor involved in this process.

CDC: Clq component binding to Fc is a prime initial step of the complement cascade, which ultimately leads to CDC. The classical activation pathway of CDC is triggered when the C1 complex binds to the antibody-antigen complex. As the cascade of complement proteins activates, membrane attack complexes are formed, leading to the lysis of target cells. Three approved anti-cancer antibodies take advantage of this mechanism: rituximab, ofazumab (Arzerra; Genmab/GlaxoSmithKline) and tositumumab (Bexxar; GlaxoSmithKline). Several methods promote the binding of the antibody constant region to C1q successfully enhanced CDC, and engineered amino acid mutations were inserted into the Fc or hinge region, resulting in improved binding of the antibody constant region to C1q.

Half-life: The combination of IgG and neonatal FcR(FcRn) can protect antibodies from being degraded, thereby prolonging the half-life of IgG in serum. Under acidic conditions (pH6.0-6.5), FcRn binds IgG, and dissociation occurs under neutral and weakly alkaline conditions (pH7.0-7.5). Specifically, endothelial cells form endocytosis vesicles by ingesting IgG to form an acidified endosome, and IgG binds to FcRn to form an IgG-FcRn complex. The IgG-FcRn complex is transported to the cell surface through the recirculated endosome. Under physiological conditions such as pH7.4, the IgG-FcRn complex is dissociates, and the IgG is released again into the blood circulation. Through this receptor-mediated recycling mechanism, FcRn effectively protects IgG from lysosomal degradation, thus prolonging the half-life of IgG.

Schematic diagram of FcRn-mediated IgG and serum protein recycling

In summary, Fc receptor proteins are of great importance. The Fc domain of an antibody defines its interaction with many immune cells and has become a desired research area. With the increasing understanding of the role of Fc-FcγR, Fc-C1q and Fc-FcRn interactions, antibody engineering efforts promoted to enable exclusive functions. The activity and mechanism of therapeutic antibodies can be enhanced by choosing best Fc. For therapeutic antibody drugs, the binding affinity of candidate antibody drugs and Fc receptor proteins must be characterized to detect the biological activity of the antibody. Further, role of the antibody ADCC/ADCP/CDC/half-life should be analyzed, which has become a crucial step in the process of the development and quality control of antibody drugs.

ACROBiosystems offers a comprehensive collection of high-quality recombinant Fc receptor proteins, including their common variants, to expedite your antibody drug development.

Advantages of Fc receptor protein products

Expressed by HEK293 Cells: post-translational modification and proper protein folding

Multiple species: Human, Mouse, Cynomolgus/Rhesus macaque, Rat, Porcine, Rabbit, Feline, Bovine, can be fully applied to different cross species experiments

High purity: SDS-PAGE verification purity>95%, SEC-MALS verification purity>90%

Low endotoxin: <1.0 EU/µg

High stability: strict quality control to ensure high batch-to-batch consistency

Biotinylated Fc Receptor proteins labeled with AvitagTM offered: the labeling efficiency is high, and the labeling site is specific and clear, which is suitable for ELISA/SPR/BLI detection based on binding to streptavidin in the process of drug development and optimization process

Affinity verified by SPR & BLI: activity guaranteed, and protocols offered free of charge

Product list
(All Fc receptors are expressed from HEK293)
  • FcRn

  • FcγR

  • FcεR

MoleculeCat. No.HostProduct DescriptionStructure
FcRn (FCGRT & B2M)FCM-H5286HEK293Human FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Strep II Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)Hot
FCM-H8286HEK293Biotinylated Human FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Strep II Tag, ultra sensitivity (primary amine labeling) (SPR verified)
FCM-H82W4HEK293Biotinylated Human FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein,,His Tag&Strep II Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)Hot
FCM-H82W7HEK293Biotinylated Human FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His,(MALS & SPR verified)
FCN-H52W7HEK293Human FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)Hot
FCM-M52W2HEK293Mouse FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Twin-Strep Tag (MALS & BLI verified)
FCM-M52W8HEK293Mouse FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag (MALS & BLI verified)
FCM-M82W5HEK293Biotinylated Mouse FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His,(MALS & BLI verified)
FCM-M82W6HEK293Biotinylated Mouse FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein,,His Tag&Twin-Strep Tag (MALS & BLI-verified)
FCM-R5287HEK293Rat FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Strep II Tag (MALS & SPR verified)
FCM-R82W7HEK293Biotinylated Rat FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein,,His Tag&Strep II Tag (MALS & SPR verified)
FCM-R52W5HEK293Rabbit FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Tag Free (MALS & SPR verified)
FCM-C5284HEK293Cynomolgus / Rhesus macaque FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Strep II Tag (MALS & BLI verified)
FCM-C52W9HEK293Cynomolgus / Rhesus macaque FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag (MALS & BLI verified)
FCM-C82W3HEK293Biotinylated Cynomolgus / Rhesus macaque FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His,(MALS & SPR verified)
FCM-C82W5HEK293Biotinylated Cynomolgus / Rhesus macaque FcRn Heterodimer Protein, His,&Strep II Tag (SPR & BLI verified)
FCM-P5280HEK293Porcine FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Strep II Tag (MALS & SPR verified)
FCN-F82W3HEK293Biotinylated Feline FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His,(MALS & SPR verified)
FCN-B82W3HEK293Biotinylated Bovine FcRn / FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His,(MALS & SPR verified)
MoleculeCat. No.HostProduct DescriptionStructure
Fc gamma RIIIA / CD16aCD8-H52H4HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIIA / CD16a (V176) Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
CDA-H5220HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIIA / CD16a (F176) Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
CDA-H5290HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIIA / CD16a (V176) Protein, SUMO,His Tag (MALS verified)
CDA-H52S1HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIIA / CD16a (V176) Protein, HSA,His Tag (MALS verified)
CDA-H82E8HEK293Biotinylated Human Fc gamma RIIIA / CD16a (F176) Protein,,His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
CDA-H82E9HEK293Biotinylated Human Fc gamma RIIIA / CD16a (V176) Protein, ,His Tag (SPR & BLI verified)
Fc gamma RI / CD64FCA-H52H1HEK293Human Fc gamma RI / CD64 Protein, His Tag (MALS verified)
FCA-H82E8HEK293Biotinylated Human Fc gamma RI / CD64 Protein, His,(MALS verified)
CD4-M5227HEK293Mouse Fc gamma RI / CD64 Protein, His Tag (MALS & BLI verified)
CD4-M82E7HEK293Biotinylated Mouse Fc gamma RI / CD64 Protein, His,(MALS verified)
FCA-C82E8HEK293Biotinylated Cynomolgus Fc gamma RI / CD64 Protein, His,(MALS & BLI verified)
Fc gamma RIIB / CD32bCDB-M52H7HEK293Mouse Fc gamma RIIB / CD32b Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)Hot
CDB-M82E8HEK293Biotinylated Mouse Fc gamma RIIB / CD32b Protein,,His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
CDB-C5224HEK293Cynomolgus Fc gamma RIIB / CD32b Protein, His Tag (MALS & SPR verified)
CDB-C82E4HEK293Biotinylated Cynomolgus Fc gamma RIIB / CD32b Protein, His,(SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
Fc gamma RIIB/C / CD32b/cCDB-H5228HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIB/C / CD32b/c Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)Hot
CDB-H5298HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIB/C / CD32b/c Protein, SUMO,His Tag (MALS & BLI verified)
CDB-H52S9HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIB/C / CD32b/c Protein, HSA,His Tag (MALS verified)
CDB-H82E0HEK293Biotinylated Human Fc gamma RIIB/C / CD32b/c Protein,,His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)Hot
Fc gamma RIIA / CD32aCD1-H5223HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIA / CD32a (H167) Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)Hot
CDA-H5221HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIA / CD32a (R167) Protein, His Tag (MALS & BLI verified)Hot
CDA-H82E6HEK293Biotinylated Human Fc gamma RIIA / CD32a (H167) Protein,,His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)Hot
CDA-R52H5HEK293Rat Fc gamma RIIA / CD32a Protein, His Tag (MALS & SPR verified)
CDA-C52H7HEK293Cynomolgus Fc gamma RIIA / CD32a Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
CDA-C82E5HEK293Biotinylated Cynomolgus Fc gamma RIIA / CD32a Protein, His,(SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
CDA-R52H4HEK293Rhesus macaque Fc gamma RIIA / CD32a Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
Fc gamma RIII / CD16CDA-M52H8HEK293Mouse Fc gamma RIII / CD16 Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
FC6-M82E0HEK293Biotinylated Mouse Fc gamma RIII / CD16 Protein, His,(MALS verified)
FC6-C52H9HEK293Cynomolgus Fc gamma RIII / CD16 Protein, His Tag (MALS & BLI verified)
FC6-C82E0HEK293Biotinylated Cynomolgus Fc gamma RIII / CD16 Protein, His,(MALS & BLI verified)
FC6-R52H6HEK293Rhesus macaque Fc gamma RIII / CD16 Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
Fc gamma RIIIB / CD16b (NA1)CDB-H5227HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIIB / CD16b (NA1) Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
CDB-H5296HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIIB / CD16b (NA1) Protein, SUMO,His Tag (MALS & BLI-verified)
CDB-H82E4HEK293Biotinylated Human Fc gamma RIIIB / CD16b (NA1) Protein, His,(SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
Fc gamma RIIIB / CD16b (NA2)CDB-H5222HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIIB / CD16b (NA2) Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
CDB-H5294HEK293Human Fc gamma RIIIB / CD16b (NA2) Protein, SUMO,His Tag (MALS & BLI-verified)
CDB-H82EaHEK293Biotinylated Human Fc gamma RIIIB / CD16b (NA2) Protein, His,(SPR & BLI & MALS verified)
Fc gamma RIV / CD16-2FC4-M52H3HEK293Mouse Fc gamma RIV / CD16-2 Protein, His Tag (MALS verified)
FC4-M82E8HEK293Biotinylated Mouse Fc gamma RIV / CD16-2 Protein, His,(BLI verified)
MoleculeCat. No.HostProduct DescriptionStructure
CD23CD3-H5249HEK293Human CD23 / Fc epsilon RII Protein, His Tag (MALS verified)
CD3-H82Q5HEK293Biotinylated Human CD23 / Fc epsilon RII Protein, His,(MALS verified)
Fc epsilon RI alphaFCA-H5228HEK293Human Fc epsilon RI alpha Protein, His Tag (MALS verified)
FCA-H5259HEK293Human Fc epsilon RI alpha Protein, Fc Tag (MALS & BLI verified)


[1] Randall J Brezski, George Georgiou. Immunoglobulin  isotype knowledge and application to Fc engineering. Current Opinion in  Immunology 2016, 40:62–69.

[2] Derry C. Roopenian, Shreeram Akilesh. FcRn: the  neonatal Fc receptor comes of age. Nature Reviews Immunology. 2007,7:715–725.

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