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Brief Information

Name:Dickkopf-related protein 1
Target Synonym:Dickkopf-Like Protein 1,Dickkopf 1 Homolog,Dickkopf-1 Like,Dickkopf-1,Dkk-1,UNQ492/PRO1008,Dickkopf-related protein 1,hDkk-1,SK,DKK1,Dickkopf WNT Signaling Pathway Inhibitor 1,Dickkopf 1 Homolog (Xenopus Laevis),Dickkopf (Xenopus Laevis) Homolog 1
Number of Launched Drugs:0
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:2
Lastest Research Phase:Phase 2 Clinical

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Par statut du produit :
Par catégorie de produit :
Par espèce :
Cat . Non Espèces Description du produit Structure Pureté Caractéristique
DK1-H82F5 Human Biotinylated Human Dkk-1 Protein, Fc,Avitag™
DK1-H5258 Human Human Dkk-1 Protein, Fc Tag (MALS verified)
DK1-M52H6 Mouse Mouse Dkk-1 Protein, His Tag
DK1-H5221 Human Human Dkk-1 Protein, His Tag, premium grade
ACRO Quality

Part of Bioactivity data

DK1-H5258-Cell-based assay
 Dkk-1 CELL

Human Dkk-1 Protein, Fc Tag (MALS verified) (Cat. No. DK1-H5258) inhibits Wnt induced TCF reporter activity in HEK293 cells. Human Dkk-1 inhibits a constant dose of 0.03 µg/mL of Wnt surrogate. The EC50 for this effect is 0.051 µg/mL.

DK1-H5221-Cell-based assay
 Dkk-1 CELL

Human Dkk-1 Protein, His Tag, premium grade (Cat.No. DK1-H5221) inhibits Wnt induced TCF reporter activity in HEK293 cells. Human Dkk-1 inhibits a constant dose of 0.03 µg/mL of Wnt surrogate. The EC50 for this effect is 0.050 µg/mL.

 Dkk-1 ELISA

Immobilized Mouse Dkk-1, His Tag (Cat. No. DK1-M52H6) at 5 μg/mL (100 μL/well) can bind Human LRP-5, Mouse IgG2a Fc Tag (Cat. No. LR5-H5254) with a linear range of 0.01-0.313 μg/mL (QC tested).

Dkk-1 MALS images

The purity of Human Dkk-1, Fc Tag (Cat. No. DK1-H5258) is more than 90% and the molecular weight of this protein is around 118-145 kDa verified by SEC-MALS.

Synonym Name



Members of the dickkopf-related protein family (DKK-1, -2, -3, and -4) are secreted proteins with two cysteine-rich domains separated by a linker region. And DKK1 takes part in embryonic development through its inhibition of the WNT signaling pathway, binds to LRP6 with high affinity and prevents the Frizzled-Wnt-LRP6 complex formation in response to Wnts. DKK1 promotes LRP6 internalization and degradation when it forms a ternary complex with the cell surface receptor Kremen.DKK1 not olny functions as a head inducer during development, but also regulates joint remodeling and bone formation, which suggests roles for DKK1 in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple myeloma. More recently research reported, DKK1 impacts eye development from a defined developmental time point on, and is critical for lens separation from the surface ectoderm via ¦Â-catenin mediated Pdgfr¦Á and E-cadherin expression.

Clinical and Translational Updates

Clinical Drug Information

Name Research Code Research Phase Company Indications Clinical Trials
JS-015 JS-015 Phase 2 Clinical Shanghai Junshi Biological Engineering Co Ltd Solid tumours Details
Sirexatamab DKN-01; LY-2812176 Phase 2 Clinical Eli Lilly And Company Colorectal Neoplasms; Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung; Adenocarcinoma; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular; Uterine Neoplasms; Endometrial Neoplasms; Carcinosarcoma; Carcinoma, Squamous Cell; Gallbladder Neoplasms; Bile Duct Neoplasms; Biliary Tract Neoplasms; Prostatic Neoplasms; Cholangiocarcinoma; Multiple Myeloma; Neoplasms; Stomach Neoplasms; Esophageal Neoplasms; Ovarian Neoplasms; Liver Neoplasms; Solid tumours Details

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