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Your Position: Accueil > E-Cadherin


Brief Information

Target Synonym:CAM 120/80,Epithelial cadherin,Ecad,Uvomorulin,CDHE,UVO
Number of Launched Drugs:0
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:0
Lastest Research Phase:Preclinical

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Cat . Non Espèces Description du produit Structure Pureté Caractéristique
ECD-H5256 Human Human E-Cadherin / Cadherin-1 (155-709) Protein, Fc Tag (MALS verified)
ECD-H5250 Human Human E-Cadherin / Cadherin-1 Protein, Fc Tag, premium grade
ACRO Quality

Part of Bioactivity data

 E-Cadherin SPR

Human E-Cadherin, Fc Tag (Cat. No. ECD-H5250) immobilized on CM5 Chip can bind Mouse KLRG1, His Tag (Cat. No. KL1-M5249) with an affinity constant of 0.159 μM as determined in a SPR assay (Biacore 8K) (QC tested).

E-Cadherin MALS images

The purity of Human E-Cadherin (155-709) Protein, Fc Tag (Cat. No. ECD-H5256) is more than 90% and the molecular weight of this protein is around 200-230 kDa verified by SEC-MALS.

Synonym Name



Cadherins are calcium-dependent cell adhesion proteins. They preferentially interact with themselves in a homophilic manner in connecting cells; cadherins may thus contribute to the sorting of heterogeneous cell types. Cadherin-1 (CDH1) is also known as epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin), CD_antigen (CD324), Uvomorulin (UVO) ECAD and CDHE, CDH1 / CD324 contains 5 cadherin domains. CDH1 / CD324 / ECAD is expressed in non-neural epithelial tissues. CDH1 / E-CAD is involved in mechanisms regulating cell-cell adhesions, mobility and proliferation of epithelial cells and has a potent invasive suppressor role. It is a ligand for integrin alpha-E/beta-7. E-Cad promotes non-amyloidogenic degradation of Abeta precursors and has a strong inhibitory effect on APP C99 and C83 production. Defects in CDH1 / CD324 / ECAD are the cause of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC).

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