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IL-5 R alpha

Brief Information

Name:Interleukin-5 receptor subunit alpha
Target Synonym:Interleukin 5 Receptor, Alpha,Interleukin-5 Receptor Subunit Alpha,HSIL5R3,Interleukin-5 Receptor Alpha Chain,CDw125,Interleukin-5 Receptor alpha Subunit,Interleukin 5 Receptor Type 3,CD125 Antigen,Interleukin 5 Receptor Subunit Alpha,IL-5 Receptor Subunit Alpha,IL-5R-Alpha,IL5R,IL5RA,CD125,IL-5RA,IL-5R Subunit Alpha
Number of Launched Drugs:1
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:1
Lastest Research Phase:Approved

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Part of Bioactivity data

 IL-5 R alpha BLI

Loaded Biotinylated Human IL-5, His,Avitag (Cat. No. IL5-H82Q5) on SA Biosensor, can bind Human IL-5 R alpha, His Tag (Cat. No. ILA-H52H4) with an affinity constant of 12.6 nM as determined in BLI assay (ForteBio Octet Red96e) (QC tested).

 IL-5 R alpha ELISA

Immobilized Human IL-5, His Tag (Cat. No. IL5-H52H3) at 5 μg/mL (100 μL/well) can bind Human IL-5 R alpha, Fc Tag (Cat. No. ILA-H5269) with a linear range of 0.6-10 ng/mL (QC tested).

Synonym Name



Interleukin-5 receptor subunit alpha (IL5RA) is also known as IL-5 receptor subunit alpha, IL-5R subunit alpha and CD125,which is a single-pass type I membrane protein that belongs to the type I cytokine receptor family and type 5 subfamily.IL5R, a heterodimer of an alpha and a beta subunit, is expressed on eosinophils and basophils. IL5RA / CD125 is the receptor for interleukin-5 (IL5) and the alpha chain can bind to IL5. The WSXWS motif of IL5RA appears to be necessary for proper protein folding and thereby efficient intracellular transport and cell-surface receptor binding.The beta subunit of IL5R is common to the IL3, IL5 and GM-CSF receptors.

Clinical and Translational Updates

Public Drug Information

Name Research Code Research Phase Company First Brand Name First Approved Country First Indication First Approved Company First Approved Date Indications Clinical Trials
Benralizumab BIW-8405; KHK-4563; MEDI-563; BIW-8405-IL-5R Approved Biowa Inc, Medimmune Llc Fasenra United States Asthma Astrazeneca Ab 2017-11-14 Genetic Diseases, Inborn; Gastroenteritis; Skin Diseases, Genetic; Hypersensitivity; Eczema; Dermatitis, Atopic; Hypersensitivity, Immediate; Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive; Leukocyte Disorders; Sinusitis; Pemphigoid, Bullous; Asthma; Eosinophilic Esophagitis; Bronchiectasis; Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EG); Skin Diseases, Eczematous; Dermatitis; Skin Diseases; Immune System Diseases; Chronic Urticaria; Respiratory Tract Diseases; Eosinophilia; Nasal Polyps; Asthma, Exercise-Induced; Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis; Hematologic Diseases; Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Details
Benralizumab BIW-8405; KHK-4563; MEDI-563; BIW-8405-IL-5R Approved Biowa Inc, Medimmune Llc Fasenra United States Asthma Astrazeneca Ab 2017-11-14 Genetic Diseases, Inborn; Gastroenteritis; Skin Diseases, Genetic; Hypersensitivity; Eczema; Dermatitis, Atopic; Hypersensitivity, Immediate; Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive; Leukocyte Disorders; Sinusitis; Pemphigoid, Bullous; Asthma; Eosinophilic Esophagitis; Bronchiectasis; Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EG); Skin Diseases, Eczematous; Dermatitis; Skin Diseases; Immune System Diseases; Chronic Urticaria; Respiratory Tract Diseases; Eosinophilia; Nasal Polyps; Asthma, Exercise-Induced; Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis; Hematologic Diseases; Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Details

Clinical Drug Information

Name Research Code Research Phase Company Indications Clinical Trials
CSL-311 CSL-311 Phase 1 Clinical Csl Ltd Asthma Details
CSL-311 CSL-311 Phase 1 Clinical Csl Ltd Asthma Details

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