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Your Position: Accueil > Kits > PD-1 > RAB-P002

Human Anti-PD-1 Antibody IgG Titer Serologic ELISA Assay Kit

For research use only.

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RAB002-C01Pre-coated Human PD-1 Microplate1 plate
RAB002-C02Positive Control100 μL
RAB002-C03Negative Control100 μL
RAB002-C04HRP-Anti-Human IgG 100 μL
RAB002-C0510 x Washing Buffer 50 mL
RAB002-C06Dilution Buffer50 mL
RAB002-C07Substrate Solution12 mL
RAB002-C08Stop Solution7 mL
This product is still under development. Please contact us if you have interest in this product. We will accelerate the development process accordingly and reserve this product for you as request.
  • Background
    Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) is an inhibitory receptor that is expressed on some tumor cells and causes down regulation of the immune system by reducing T-cell activity. Anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibodies block the PD-1 receptor so the T cells are no longer inhibited and therefore activates the immune response against the tumor.
  • Application

    The kit is developed for titer measurement of Anti-PD-1 Antibody IgG in Human serum.

    It is for research use only.

  • Storage
    The unopened kit is stable for 12 months from the date of manufacture if stored at 2°C to 8°C.

    The opened kit should be stored per components table. The shelf life is 30 days from the date of opening.

  • Assay Principles
    This assay kit employs a standard indirect-ELISA format, providing a rapid detection of Anti-PD-1 antibodies in Human serum. The Kit consists of Pre-coated with Human PD-1 Microplate , an Positive Control, an Negative Control, an HRP-Anti Human IgG secondary antibody.

    Your experiment will include 4 simple steps:

    a) The samples and Control are diluted by Dilution Buffer. Add your sample to the plate.

    b) Add diluted Secondary antibody HRP-Anti-Human IgG to the plate. The Secondary antibody is diluted by Dilution Buffer.

    c) Wash the plate and add TMB or other colorimetric HRP substrate.

    d) Stop the substrate reaction by add diluted acid. Absorbance (OD) is calculate as the absorbance at 450 nm minus the absorbance at 630 nm to remove background prior to statistical analysis. The OD Value reflects the amount of antibody bound.

  • Clinical and Translational Updates

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  • Number of Launched Drugs:16 Details
  • Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:150 Details
  • Latest Research Phase:Approved

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